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Nervous Cop Free Music


Nervous Cop Free Music

Nervous Cop

Effective period / Period of releases: 2003 - 2017

Members: John Dieterich, Greg Saunier, Satomi Matsuzaki, Zach Hill, Ed Rodriguez, Andy Morin

American experimental/free improv/noise-rock band formed in the early 2000s by two drummers, Zach Hill from Hella and Greg Saunier of Deerhoof. After a year and a half of private studio sessions and jamming as a "twin-drummer" duo, Nervous Cop expanded to a quartet, with John Dieterich's electronics and Joanna Newsom (of The Pleased) on harp.

In 2003, Nervous Cop released the band's debut self-titled album, available on CD and in digital formats via 5 Rue Christine, a sublabel of Kill Rock Stars. Nervous Cop occasionally performed as a supporting act on Deerhoof tours. Subsequently, the ensemble decreased live activities and went on an unofficial hiatus, most likely as Zach Hill became preoccupied with hugely popular Death Grips.

In 2017, Nervous Cop returned with a new lineup, producing a follow-up (yet again, self-titled) — an 18-minute improvisational jam released as part of Deerhoof's Joyful Noise 2017 Artist In Residence program. The digital download was initially available exclusively via CASH Music platform (a non-profit organization established by Kristin Hersh (of Throwing Muses), Donita Sparks of L7, and Jesse von Doom in Portland, Oregon).

Original lineup
Greg Saunier — drums
Zach Hill — drums, percussion
Joanna Newsom — harp
John Dieterich — electronics

2017 lineup
Greg Saunier — drums
Zach Hill — drums
John Dieterich — guitar
Ed Rodriguez — guitar
Satomi Matsuzaki — bass
Andy Morin — undefined