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Harmony Of Nations Baroque Orchestra Free Music


Harmony Of Nations Baroque Orchestra Free Music

Harmony Of Nations Baroque Orchestra

Members: Linda Andersson, Katarina Bengtson, Christian Kjos, Roswitha Dokalik, Barbara Barros, Fani Vovoni, Johannes Heim, Kristin Deeken, Huw Daniel, Elisabeth Baumer, Christine Sticher, Lucy Scotchmer, Josep Domènech Lafont, Gyöngy Erodi, Clara Mühlethaler, Magdalena Malecka, Katrin Lazar, Pablo De Pedro Cano, Linda Hannah-Andersson (3), Magdalena Małecka, Raphaël Collignon

Harmony of Nations is a period-instrument orchestra of young musicians from all over Europe, specialising in the music of the Baroque era. They got to know each other during the year they spent touring as members of the European Union Baroque Orchestra (EUBO), and decided that the experience was too rewarding for it not to continue.

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