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Love Interest Free Music


Love Interest Free Music

Love Interest

Real name: Love Interest

Effective period / Period of releases: 2023

Reminiscent of post-punk pioneers, The Cult and the Chameleons coupled with the vibe of Siouxsie Sioux and the politics of Killing Joke, Love Interest merges moody instancy and dreamy passion that resonates across generational lines. As Detroiters, Love Interest fits comfortably with the city’s distinguished reputation as a musical mecca, a city which all members credit having a heavy influence on their song-writing style.

Formed against the backdrop of the global pandemic by longtime collaborators Alex Awn, Justin Malek, and Jeff Uberti, the project represents an impulse to amplify shared politics and evolve as musicians who thrived comfortably within the hardcore punk scene for decades. The group achieved both prodigious and electric sound with the addition of Eric Blanchard and Johnny LZR. However, it wasn’t until political artist and classically trained singer Jex Blackmore joined on vocals that the group truly materialized, merging the best of technical musicianship and lyrical prowess, along with memorable, genre-bending hooks from a powerhouse of master performers.

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