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Attack! Attack! Free Music


Attack! Attack! Free Music

Attack! Attack!

Effective period / Period of releases: 2008 - 2010

Members: Neil Starr (2), Will Davies (6), Ryan Day

(Also known as Attack! Attack! UK to the American market)

Attack! Attack! are an Alternative Rock band, that also has strong infusions of Power Pop and Pop Punk. They joined together in 2006 with members from Caerphilly and Aberdare, in Wales.

They have toured with similar, more mainstream bands, such as The Blackout, LostProphets, You Me At Six and Go:Audio.

Originally started by Neil Starr and Ryan Day, bandmates from Dopamine they were

The band originally formed just consisting of Neil Starr and Ryan Day (of who were both part of Dopamine); but they were soon joined by Will Davies (Adequate Seven) and Mike Griffiths (Pete's Sake).

Their song "You and Me", is featured in the Activision video game, Guitar Hero 5, as a playable track.


Neil Starr — Lead vocals, guitar
Ryan Day — Guitar, vocals
Will Davies — Bass
Mike Griffiths — Drums

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