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Stomu Yamash'ta's Red Buddha Theatre Free Music


Stomu Yamash'ta's Red Buddha Theatre Free Music

Stomu Yamash'ta's Red Buddha Theatre

Effective period / Period of releases: 1973

Members: Joji Hirota, Peter Robinson, Morris Pert, Hideo Funamoto, Hisako Yamashta, Stomu Yamash'ta, Phil Plant, Goro Kunii, Mikako Takeshita, Shiro Murata, Alyn Ross, Maggie Newlands, Yoshio Taeira

Stomu Yamash'ta's Red Buddha Theatre was formed in Japan in 1971. After working there for some months they were brought to Europe for the summer of '72 by Stomu Yamash'ta, the company's producer, director, and composer. They performed in London and in France, taking up residency at a Paris theatre from August, 1972 through January, 1973 before returning to London for performances at the Roundhouse.

The soundtrack album for "The Man From The East" was recorded with an unnamed new jazz trio formed by Morris Pert after his previous group Come To The Edge broke up. In addition to Pert the group included keyboardist Peter Robinson and bassist Alyn Ross. That group would adopt the name Sun Treader. Pert also appeared in live stage performances by the Red Buddha Theatre.