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Hans Am Felsen Free Music


Hans Am Felsen Free Music

Hans Am Felsen

Effective period / Period of releases: 1997 - 2016

Members: Lipp, Rüdiger Klein, Boxa, Frank Schackert, Dirk Uwe Hinze, Illo (5)

Punk band from Berlin, early 1990s to 1999. Also HAF or H.A.F.. Re-union 2013.

The band initially maintained close contact with the Ichfunktion: the first HAF demos appeared on their tape label Kikeriki Records and Ichfunktion guitarist Tschaka played bass with HAF. After his unexpected death, Hans Am Felsen initially disbanded. Lipp joined the Sheef, founded in 1999, and a formation called Mea Culpa, together with Cowboy (?) he played in the stoner band AbeuedA from 2002 to 2012.
In 1992/93 and again from 1996 to 1999 Georgi Gogow, bassist and violinist of the successful ex-GDR rock band City, produced various recordings by Hans Am Felsen, in between this collaboration was terminated (probably at the request of some of the band's musicians).

Line-Up 1991 from Hans Am Felsen - Hans Am Felsen
Julia - Violin, Vocals
Olaf - Guitar, Vocals
Schmuddel - Drums, Vocals
Stefan - Guitar, Vocals
Tschaka - Bass, Vocals

Line-Up 1994 from Hans Am Felsen - Bulle / Julia / Nur Zum Schein / Animals
Boxer - Drums
Cowboy - Guitar, Bass
Der Dicke - Bass, Guitar, Vocals
Julia - Violin, Vocals
Olaf - Guitar, Vocals

Line-Up 2013
Cowboy - Guitar
Illo - Drums
Julia - Violin, Vocals
Olli - Drums
Rübe - Bass
Stefan Lipp aka Der Dicke - Vocals

After Tschaka's death in 1999 the band rested until its reunion in 2013.

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