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Caracol Free Music


Caracol Free Music


Real name: Carole Facal

Effective period / Period of releases: 2008 - 2018

Carole Facal is a Canadian singer-songwriter from Quebec who writes and performs in both English and French under the stage name Caracol .
Born to an Uruguayan father and a Swiss mother and raised in Sherbrooke, Québec, she was trained in classical violin. Always athletic, she left home at 17 to pursue a career as a snowboarder in British Columbia. There, she purchased a guitar and began to write her own music.
She ultimately returned to Québec and joined the reggae group "Kaliroots", also forming (in 1998) a dreadlocked duo called DobaCaracol with Dorianne Fabreg (Doba).
DobaCaracol broke up in 2007, after which Carole Facal began to work on her first solo album as Caracol .
Transformation, love, ecstasy, wisdom, rebellion, and conflict are among the themes that inspire her in her quest.

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