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Tuomas Rantanen Free Music


Tuomas Rantanen Free Music

Tuomas Rantanen

Real name: Tuomas Rantanen

Effective period / Period of releases: 2002 - 2006

Tuomas Rantanen comes from Finland and his musical style is modern percussive techno. Prior to his own techno music productions he studied classical guitar and theory of music at Tampere Conservatory.

In 1995 he started co-operation with Finnish techno producers Tommi Yliruusi (Detunez Records) and Sami Heikkilä (Spinni and Oikosulku Records). Soon they set up a production studio together and a new kind of idea for underground techno culture in Tampere started to form.

In 1999 he signed a record contract with the top British techno producer Glenn Wilson (Planet Rhythm and Template). Later on in the same year came out templ8.9, written and produced by Tuomas Rantanen.

Tuomas Rantanen studies Philosophy at Tampere University, currently working on his Master's Thesis about the philosophy of Martin Heidegger. Tuomas Rantanen has also broadcast his own radio programme on the University radio station Radio Moreeni. Main topics on his techno-philosophical programme include the quantum theory of David Bohm, Miletian cosmology and ancient metaphysics of Plato and Aristotle.

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