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Hull Free Music


Hull Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 2011 - 2014

Members: Drew Mack, Nicholas Palmirotto, Carmine Laietta V, Jeff Stieber

Doom Metal, Sludge Metal band from Brooklyn, New York

Known to behold vast sound expanses, HULL maximized harmony and tone within one monstrous palate. A furious whip of intermingling guitars propelled one through the atmosphere as a low pulse resonated through, while the pounding drums blanketed all chasms of reality.

HULL materialized as a massive entity storming stages and immersing their audiences in a blanket of grandiose down-tuned compositions. A shifting fault line of decibel heavy harmony, this collective force converged in a collision of thrash, doom, classic rock, and formal orchestral works. HULL commanded their listeners through each riff with incredible precision, as a seafarer guides vessels through ominous waters. Submerged in cosmic soundscapes, HULL challenged the mind with flowing, off-time fugues and powerful, dynamic movements. Immersed in a musical tide for all that lay beyond the lightless sky. An onslaught of eruptive force, as a new world of music was formed in the deafening clap of thunder that was HULL. RIP 2004-2015

N. Palmirotto
S. B. Dunn
C. Laietta V
J. Stieber
A. Mack