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Heaven And Hell Free Music


Heaven And Hell Free Music

Heaven And Hell

Effective period / Period of releases: 2017

Members: Michalis Nicolaides, George Yiamonitis, George Yiarelis, Ανδρέας (5)

Early Greek Heavy Metal band founded in 1979.
The band in considered the first Greek Heavy Metal recording.
In 1982 they participated in the compilation Happening 82 with one song. In the same year they recorded 7 songs on MC that remained un-released until 2017.
They disbaned the same year.

Band members:
Δημήτρης Δημητριάδης - Bass
Τάκης Λιαρμακόπουλος - Drums
Μιχάλης Νικολαΐδης - Guitars
Νικήτας Κωβαίος - Vocals