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Accordone Free Music


Accordone Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 2003

Members: Marco Beasley, Gaetano Nasillo, Enrico Gatti, Bruce Dickey, Mauro Lopes Ferreira, Rossella Croce, Guido Morini, Fabio Accurso, Svetlana Fomina, Mauro Durante, Franco Pavan, Stefano Rocco, Nathalie Fontaine, Judith-Maria Becker, Francesco Galligioni, Pino De Vittorio, Elisa Citterio

Founded in 1984 by Marco Beasley and Guido Morini, motivated by a great passion for the music before Bach, for original instruments and for a new musicological approach to problems
of interpretation. At the heart of their work is Italian music for voice and basso continuo from the 16th and 17th centuries.

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