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Size 14 Free Music

Size 14

Effective period / Period of releases: 1997

Members: Kevin Danczak, Robt Ptak, Dave Armstrong (3), James Kevin Dotson

Size 14 was a pop punk band in the late 90's based out of Hollywood that gained some notoriety with the song "Claire Danes Poster". They released one self titled album on Volcano Entertainment in 1997 and influenced a host of current bands.

Size 14 started after Linus of Hollywood answered an ad placed by bassist Robt Ptak in Recycle magazine looking for a lead or rhythm guitarist Initially Ptak and Linus listened to each other's tracks, and decided to work on the demos Linus brought to the table. Lead singer Linus Of Hollywood and Bassist Robt Ptak demoed all the material on Ptak's 8-track. Next, the band found drummer David Armstrong for the band, and they began rehearsals as a three piece. Linus pulled in his roommate Kevin Danczak to play guitar for Size 14 to complete the band's lineup. Linus stated in an interview that the track "Rollin in the 510" was about Kevin's old car. Size 14's sound came from Linus being influenced at the time by bands such as Ridel High, Shufflepuck, That Dog, and Weezer. The band signed a record deal in 1995, offered by an A&R person Linus used to sit next to at his previous job as a telemarketer

Size 14 Official Split in 1999, although the band remained very inactive from late 1997 onwards, this was after founding member Robt Ptak left the band to move to L.A, along with the bands record label Volcano Entertainment going out of business, Ptak was replaced by Ray who only's studio appearance was on the track 'Mrs Claus'.

After leaving Size 14, Robt Ptak started bands Artificial Joy and The Bastard Kings Of Rock. As of 2012, Ptak is involved in directing and producing TV commercials; Armstrong is involved in comedy; Danczak lives in Los Angeles working for Disney; and Linus is currently finishing this latest solo album, in the band Jarinus, plays Guitar and Keyboard in Nerf Herder and runs Crappy Records.

As of 2013 there are no plans for a reunion,and the band have not played live since splitting in 1997 (although members have met up since).

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