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Jabula Free Music


Jabula Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 1975 - 1985

Members: Ernest Mothle, David Defries, Ken Eley, Michael "Bami" Rose, Dudu Pukwana, Lucky Ranku, Julian Bahula, Steve Scipio, Pinise Saul, Thebe Lipere, Mervyn Africa, Graham Morgan, Vicky Busiswe Mhlongo, Glenn Helstone

Jabula (isiZulu: "rejoice") was a musical ensemble made of South African musicians "exiled" in England during the Apartheid Era.

Under Apartheid, traditional African music was largely banned from radio and even private play, and groups who performed it were often forced into exile. The four members that became Jabula met in London where they were living after leaving South Africa. The group was formed in 1974.
In addition to their own albums, the group also performed with Mike Oldfield for his albums Amarok, Incantations, and Ommadawn.

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