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If Wen Free Music


If Wen Free Music

If Wen

Real name: Gareth Furby

If Wen is a secretive singer songwriter who shuns publicity and records in the wilds of West Penwith in Cornwall, UK. His songs are introspective, and understated. He freezes up in studios so records his music alone in various locations. The album "Take a Look at the Sea" was recorded in the upper floor of a barn near Pendeen with the door open. He used a portable hard disc recorder. The video for Take a Look at the Sea was rotated on MTV and If Wen has played several festivals in the UK. Generally though he only plays live at venues that appreciate acoustic fingerpicked music, and he prefers performing unamplified with an audience that listens in silence. The title track "Take a Look at the Sea" reached the world folk airplay top 50, with most plays in the USA. He has been recording tracks for a second album, again in various locations around West Penwith, including a barn near Morvah and a cliff top house near Sennen. Again, all these sessions were alone, using a portable hard disc recorder. He has tried working with mix engineers and in studios but all the results were rejected as his performance suffered, or the end result didn't match his conception of the song. His first album was about love and rejection. The songs that are coming together for his second seem to be about survival and resilience.

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