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Alchemist Free Music


Alchemist Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 2011 - 2017

Members: Brady (12), Pavel Mentlík, Prokop Šlapák, Jan Richter (4), Jan Pilař (3), Pavel Vonášek

Czech metal band from Most town.

Fomed in spring 2007 by members of Chewbacca (7) (Čubaka) and Deathstar. On autumn 2008 left band drummer Jamez (6), later on summer 2009 also guitarist Pilík went out. New drummer Brady was found at the same time.

History of ALCHEMIST starts in 1597. A well-known alchemist Edward Kelly was imprisoned in the Most castle by order of the emperor Rudolf II. as he fell into disfavour of his. At that time, he had only a few days of his life left. He attempted to escape a couple of times, he never managed to do that though. Furthermore, he hurt himself during his last attempt to escape, and because of injuring his legs he remained disabled. Rather than live in prison for the rest of his life, he decided to take his own life. Before doing so, he uttered a curse. He predicted the doom of the castle where he was imprisoned and of the town situated beneath the castle. The town causing injustice to the alchemist was supposed to disappear into depths. And it really happened nearly 400 years later!!!
At the beginning of the third millennium, the alchemist decided to come back to this world and see if his prediction was fulfilled. First, he had explored current situation in the previous CHEWBACCA reincarnation before he decided to fully introduce himself to the world. After initial searching and trying he chose basic ingredients of his potions which will represent him to his contemporaries. Mentol – a bearer of a howling piercing essence, which adds pungency and harshness to his potions. Vony is another essence, a substance adding roaring earthiness to the mixtures. The freshest ingredient enriching the alchemist’s potions is hidden beneath the name Brady, which helps cut passing time into shorter rhythmical units and contributes to a proper order. Alchemist would appear in this formation in 2010-2013 especially in the northern region, because this region has been affected the most by the curse. During 2013 it became apparent that not all chosen ingredients works out as it was expected. The big alchemist decided to change his face and recast his being into an individual essence – Mentol, meanwhile using his alter ego Prokop Šlapák. As a result, after a year experiments and searching is a new potion called EVILCRUSHER (2013). In March 2014 a fresh potion DAMNATION (2014) is distributed as a result of three original essences from the previous year.
A new chapter of the ALCHEMIST story has been written since the beginning of 2016, when the alchemist returned to the essence working the most reliably, and that’s the mixture containing Mentol, C10H20O and Prokop Šlapák. The result of these interactions is the latest potion called FEAR BUSINESS (2016). It can be found in every good pharmacy beneath the overall pictured below.
Alchemist - Fear Business (2016)FEAR BUSINESS (2016)
As we have decided to treat (not only) rock-metal population, let there be our new potion FEAR BUSINESS as an essential contribution to the universal metal-chemical chaos. Available in the form of digital sound tincture in the drugstore on: Bandcamp

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