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Mapache Free Music


Mapache Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 2017 - 2023

Members: Sam Blasucci, Clay Finch

Melodic folk-rock duo from La Cañada Flintridge, California and based in Los Angeles. The two members met while they were both attending La Cañada High School. Sharing a fondness for bluegrass, The Band, Neil Young and The Grateful Dead they formed a group, the Melvin Doo, that regularly played in local coffeehouses. They broke up in 2011 when Finch went to college at Chico State, while Blasucci took part in a mission trip to Saltillo, Mexico. However, they stayed in touch and in 2016, after they relocated to Los Angeles, they began playing together as Mapache, which means raccoon in Spanish.