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Supuration Free Music


Supuration Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 1990 - 2015

Members: Ludovic Loez, Thierry Berger, Fabrice Loez, Laurent Bessault, Frédéric Fievez, Mike Brasselet

Formed in 1989 as Etsicroxe. Then changed name to Supuration, and then to S.U.P.. Known as S.U.P. (for "Spherical Unit Provided") for a few years (the "Chronophobia" era) and then changed back to simply SUP.

BEWARE: SUP / S.U.P. and SUPURATION are two different bands, sharing the same musicians, but not the same musical style. SUP / S.U.P. plays avant-garde metal when Supuration plays a complex and progressive brand of death metal.

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