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Backburner Free Music


Backburner Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 2011 - 2022

Members: Andrew Kilgour, Jabba the Kutt, DJ Beef, Peter Chapman (2), Les Seaforth, James Kirkpatrick, Dave Richardson (8), Darren Pyper, Ryan MacKenzie, Process (12), Paul DeFrancesco, Tim Wallace (2), Sean Jordan (3), Shaun Ryan, Michael Sammut, Justin Lepine, Joseph Ward (2), Jesse McDonald, Tom Organ, Jake Flemming, John Young (39), Troy Manning (3), Matthew Furlong, Robert Samuelson

Backburner is a Canadian hip-hop crew founded in 2001 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and expanding to include members in Ontario, Newfoundland, Vancouver, and Osaka, Japan.

Membership has been fluid, with a core of lifers carrying the banner as other members drift in and out of being active in music.

Hundreds of albums have been released bearing the Backburner logo, even though it isn't a record label or a publishing house or a legal entity at all. Just a banner that some cool rap friends like to fly together.