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Xysma Free Music


Xysma Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 1989 - 2023

Members: Olli Nurminen, Janne Lastumäki, Kalle Taivainen, Vesa Iitti, Teppo Pulli, Janitor Muurinen, Toni Stranius

A metal/rock band from Turku, Finland.

Xysma was founded in 1988 (originally as Repulse) and is often considered as the first Finnish grindcore band. They however moved away from extreme metal rather quickly and first evolved into a stylistic mix of 70's heavy rock and death metal and then progressed into pure retro rock, and finally, pop-rock. Xysma disbanded in 1998, but has reunited occasionally throughout the years for live performances.

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