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Der Expander Des Fortschritts Free Music


Der Expander Des Fortschritts Free Music

Der Expander Des Fortschritts

Effective period / Period of releases: 1988 - 1990

Members: Stefan Schüler, Thomas Görsch, Susanne Binas, Ecke Binas, Uwe Baumgartner, Mario Persch, Norbert Grandl, Jörg Beilfuß

Der Expander des Fortschritts was founded in 1986. The “risk group” described itself as “pop musique concrète” or “abstract pop”. Der Expander des Fortschritts relied on disharmony and ruptures, which resulted in radio plays in a song format; the GDR as a real-socialist satire provided its material. Even the band’s name was a cultural appropriation of the superstructure by the substructure: “progress” was a fetishized word in the GDR, factory sports clubs would add it to their name, solidarity concerts would use it as a motto.

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