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Sceptic Free Music


Sceptic Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 1999 - 2022

Members: Adrian Kowanek, Jacek Hiro, Grzegorz Feliks, Czesiek Semla, Marcin Urbaś, Paweł Kolasa, Michał Senajko, Weronika Zbieg, Wacław Kiełtyka, Jakub Chmura, Dariusz Styczeń, Daniel Kesler, James Stewart (14), Maciej Zięba, Jakub Kogut

Death metal band from Kraków, Poland, founded in 1994 by Jacek Hiro. Marcin Urbaś (one of the fastest 200 meter sprinters) handled the vocal duties for the first and third album "Blind Existence" (1999) and "Unbeliever's Script" (2003)), but currently is a session member due to his sport career. Weronika Zbieg from the Polish death/thrash band Totem handled the lead vocal duty on the latest album, "Internal Complexity" (2005).

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