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Joywave Free Music


Joywave Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 2011 - 2022

Members: Paul Brenner (3), Benjamin Bailey, Sean Donnelly (5), Daniel Armbruster, Joseph Morinelli

Joywave is an eclectic group specializing in alternative pop hailing from Rochester, NY. After the success of 2013's 88888 mixtape, they established their Hollywood Records imprint Cultco Music, through which they released this debut EP How Do You Feel?. With a catalog that deftly jumps between genre, Joywave's How Do You Feel? EP demonstrates the band's pointed talent for blending influences. The Joywave sound is grounded in classic songwriting, often injected with house music's energy, disco's layfulness and an overarching hip-hop spirit. Where any other band might lose its identity in the quest to experiment with so many different sounds, Joywave's all-embracing approach and ineffable knack for making music that feels good puts their distinct personality front and center.

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