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Alas Free Music


Alas Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 2001

Members: Erik Rutan, Martina Hornbacher, Alex Webster, Howard Davis, Scott Hornick, Clayton Gore

Alas is an operatic progressive metal band from Tampa, Florida, USA.
Originally formed in 1996 by Erik Rutan as a creative outlet while being a member of Morbid Angel. After releasing a demo (1996) and a full length (2001), the band went on hiatus while Erik has focused on Hate Eternal.

Last known line-up:
Martina Astner (née Hornbacher) - vocals
Erik Rutan - guitars, keyboards
Scott Hornick - bass
Howard Davis - drums

Past members:
Tracey Beam - vocals
Jason Morgan - rhythm guitar
Alex Webster - bass
Clayton Gore - drums