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Escutcheon Free Music


Escutcheon Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 2009

Members: Alwin Zuur, Iwan Heskamp

Escutcheon is a melodic death metal band from the middle east(
Borne, Overijssel ) of the Netherlands formed in 1996.
Their stye best to compared with that typical early 90's Swedish melodic death metal style in vein of At The Gates, Eucharist, A Canorous Quintet etc.
After a couple of promo and demo's the band release 2 full lenghts. Band decided to pull the plug late 2009.

Alwin Zuur - Guitars
Guido de Jongh - Guitars
Herman Hoffman - Vocals
Harry Kettelarij - Bass
Daniel Centiago - Drums