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The Tradewinds Free Music


The Tradewinds Free Music

The Tradewinds

Members: David Malatesta, Walter Mateja, John Malatesta, Carmine Poppiti

US 1960s garage / surf combo from Delaware.
Debuted in 1962 on the Tran-Lux record label with Wildwood Twist on the A side and Please Never Leave Me on the B side. The Record placed in the top 10 of WAMS Music Survey and started a successful career for the band with 6 top singles.
The band featured: Carmine Poppiti Lead Vocals and Cordovox, David Malatesta Vocals and Guitar, Walter Mateja Vocals and Sax, John Malatesta Vocals and Drums. Dudley Henriques was the band's agent in 1962.