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The Black Moriah Free Music


The Black Moriah Free Music

The Black Moriah

Effective period / Period of releases: 2012 - 2023

Members: Alkahest (5)

Black/Thrash Metal band from Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas, USA. Formed in 2009.

T.B.M. was founded by The Mad Arab (Bleed the Son) and Zawicizuz (Absu, Bleed the Son, Infernal Oak, Rape Pillage and Burn) to forge Metal for a desert funeral.
In the Fall of 2011, The Black Moriah entered the studio to record their first effort "Casket Prospects". Upon completion of the album, these outlaws on the outskirts spread their gallows medicine from El Paso to New Orleans.
Seditious, malicious, fiends, the horde of highwaymen ride on! With The Black Moriah's second full-length release, they gear up for a journey of carnage across barren landscapes. "Road Agents of the Blast Furnace" is a never-yielding, all-consuming raid, hell-bent on tormenting every town in its path.
For the release of their sophomore effort, T.B.M. has made an alliance with Folter Records. With this mighty underground force, the audio plague known as The Black Moriah will relentlessly spread Vulture Culture throughout the land.
Look to the horizon for the demented highwaymen this year. They come to pillage your village and soil your doves. Bring your gold and pay tribute or face the wrath of this desert funeral party.

Current line-up:

The Mad Arab - Drums, Vocals (additional) (2009-present)
Zawicizuz - Guitars, Keyboards, Vocals (additional)

External Pages
