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Anyone Free Music


Anyone Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 2002

Members: Taylor Hawkins, Riz Story, Jon Davison, David "Nipples" Murray, Static (47)

Band from Southern California that formed in 1989
Founded in Laguna Beach, California by Riz Story, Taylor Hawkins (Foo Fighters) and Jon "Juano" Davison (Yes). The band went through various names and member changes before releasing 'Live Acid' in 1999 and signing to RoadRunner Records and releasing their critically acclaimed self-titled major label debut. The band disbanded in 2006 and reemerged in 2016 with the release of 'Echoes and Traces'. The band evolved and became gradually more progressive and experimental with Riz Story creating the albums alone, performing all instrumentation and vocals as well as producing, mixing and mastering. Both 'On the Ending Earth' (2020) and 'In Humanity' (2021) were critically acclaimed with critics citing Riz Story's virtuosity on a wide array of instruments. In June of 2022 ANYONE announced the release of 'The Sylvia Sessions', a tribute album featuring the late Taylor Hawkins (founding member) in his earliest recorded performances.

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