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Stazione Suicida Free Music


Stazione Suicida Free Music

Stazione Suicida

Effective period / Period of releases: 1997

Members: Max Cantara, Fabio Ragionieri, Gaetano Lucido, Marcello Malandrini

The Stazione Suicida was founded in 1981 in a meeting organized by Schiavo Roberto with Massimo Cantara and Fabio Ragionieri, the makers of this group, which initially had several components, I remember a bassist from Viterbo and a guitarist from Argentina, and also other peoples in the area, then the training will be stable components that record the songs.
After several concerts the group broke up in 1983, when Massimo Cantara up moves to London, where he will make the Ultima Thule, the London punk band, and then The Birdhouse, making a lot of concerts around the world.
The singer Fabio after the dissolution of the group will do as a manager for several bands, the guitarist Marcello we have lost track, the bass player Gaetano Lucido goes to live in Paris, where he manages to have a good career as a stage actor.
We also remember that they organized a few concerts in the area, including that of Australian The Birthday Party at the Teatro Tenda of Certaldo, and the night we spent together at the Hotel La Speranza in Certaldo with the legendary Nick Cave.

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