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Parafünk Free Music


Parafünk Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 1993 - 1997

Members: Mikel Azpiroz, Mikel Abrego, Javier Vicente Calderón, Alberto Bosch

Parafünk was a electronic band founded by Javi P3Z in the early nineties as a solo project. After its first three releases (Parafünk, 1993; Prologo, 1996 and Süper Single Disco Nüdo, 1997) the project become a band with the incorporation of different Basque musicians as Mikel Abrego (drums), Mikel Azpiroz (keyboards) and Alberto Bosch (bass), in 1996/97. This formation recorded the last release of the band, Epïlogo (1997)