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The Chronicles Of Father Robin Free Music


The Chronicles Of Father Robin Free Music

The Chronicles Of Father Robin

Real name: The Chronicles Of Father Robin

Effective period / Period of releases: 2023

Members: Thomas Kaldhol, Andreas Wettergreen Strømman Prestmo, Henrik Harmer, Jon André Nilsen, Aleksandra Morozova, Regin Meyer

The seeds of this band emerged up from the fertile Norwegian musical underground back in 1993. A joint interest in folk tales, fantasy literature, psychedelia and the adventurous rock of the 1970's brought a bunch of seeking teenage companions together. We listened to adventurous music and undertook long scouting trips along the borders, discussing principles of life, love and metaphysics, as we still do. During the years, much like laying bricks when you are building a house, we created the story of the entity Father Robin. Through lenghty jam sessions and then more finely tuned arranging and structuring, we developed an ongoing system where every song linked itself to the others, according to the terms of the continuing storyline and the spurious relationship between them. Holistic impulsivity and ideas, music and concept all melted together in one pot. With the passing of time it has become the tale of Father Robin and his world Airoea.

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