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Lee Maddeford Free Music


Lee Maddeford Free Music

Lee Maddeford

Born in 1959 in Anchorage, Alaska, United States, he studied French horn, piano and improvisation, notably Art Lande and Gary Peacock at the Cornish School of Music, Seattle. Living in Lausanne since 1980, he established himself as a musician. - performer and arranger-composer. In 1989, with violinist Gil Abravanel, he won the first prize in the French radio community arrangements competition. His music is used by various ensembles: Piano Seven, Diatonikachromatik, Sine Nomine, the Rogg-Maddeford duo with whom he has produced several records and tours. As an arranger he directs the children's series Sautecroche, written by Marie Henchoz, who knows a great deal. success.For several years, as a composer or performer, he has participated in many shows in French-speaking Switzerland.Nominated at the Molières 2005 for the show music Créatures, co-written with Alex Bonstein.

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