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Gran Coquivacoa Free Music


Gran Coquivacoa Free Music

Gran Coquivacoa

Effective period / Period of releases: 1985

Members: Neguito Borjas, Carlos Delgado (3), Astolfo Romero, Ender Carruyo, Jesús "Chuchito" Ibarra, Argenis Sánchez, Juan Carlos Arcaya, Nelson Martínez, Beto Borjas, Abdénago Borjas, Nixon Paredes, Jesus Petit

Gran Coquivacoa is a Venezuelan gaita zuliana group founded in 1968, by Jesús Bocachico Petit, Nelson Suárez, Rody Tigrera, Pedro Arteaga and Manolo Salazar, at the city of Cabimas, Zulia State).