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William Beau Dollar Bowman Free Music


William Beau Dollar Bowman Free Music

William Beau Dollar Bowman

Real name: William Hargis Bowman, Jr.

Effective period / Period of releases: 1969 - 1970

Born April 21, 1941 Hamilton, Ohio, U.S. - Died February 22, 2011 (aged 69) Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.

'Beau Dollar' William Bowman was a white, session drummer from Cincinnati (formed in 1965) who also made solo recordings on King Records. He often played in guitar hero Lonnie Mack's band for the local Fraternity label, and Lonnie repaid the compliment by playing on and producing Beau's chart attempt. The song "Soul Serenade" also appeared on Fraternity records. Beau Dollar certainly had a good R&B track record, his band backed James Brown on the King "Lickin' Stick" sessions and hiw own King releases are out and out soul records.

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