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The Dynamics Free Music


The Dynamics Free Music

The Dynamics

Effective period / Period of releases: 1984

Members: Steve Howells

A dynamic instrumental group formed in Johannesburg in 1983, fusing elements of ska, reggae, mbaqanga and township jazz, it was this line-up that recorded (at Downtown Studios) and released its seven-track debut album, "It's The Dynamics", on cassette tape.

The following year, they recorded (at Hugh Masekela's mobile studio in Botswana) and released a five-track mini-album on 12-inch vinyl called "Switch It On and Wind It Up".

After reforming in Cape Town a decade later, their third album, "Organic", was recorded in 1996 at The Nuthouse, an independent Capetonian studio. 500 self-financed CD albums were mastered and manufactured in Taiwan and distributed by the band in 1996.

The band's core members are:
Harvey Roberts: tenor saxophone, vocals
Jimmy Florence: keyboards, bass, trombone
Winston Nyaunda: alto saxophone
Steve Howells: drums

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