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Cre•scen•do Free Music


Cre•scen•do Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 2014 - 2016

From Los Angeles, California

Cre·scen·do is the combination of passion, late dreamy-filled nights, and utter love for music.
The band has been slowly coming together to it’s completed state since Gregory Cole [Guitarist and Singer] had other projects in the works and decided to take steps forward to revolutionize a new style and sound.
It was with this realization that their path toward making their debut album began to unfold.

Cre·scen·do formed through the help of John Glenn Kunkel of The New Division under the backdrop of Los Angeles, California.

With this combination of talent, determination, and the occasional late-night out to talk about their lives, music, and desires, the band coined their style under the genre “DreamGaze”: a combination of Shoegaze and Dream-pop elements that encapsulate the entirety of the band – a group of individuals with a love for music, and a dream to further their lives with it.

Cre•scen•do currently consists of Gregory Cole, Olive Kimoto, and Jess Krichelle.

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