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Philip Jeck Free Music


Philip Jeck Free Music

Philip Jeck

Effective period / Period of releases: 1999 - 2023

Philip Jeck (15 November 1952 - 25 March 2022) lived in Liverpool and studied visual art at Dartington College of Arts. He started working with record players and electronics in the early '80's and made soundtracks and toured with many dance and theatre companies as we as well as his solo concert work. His best known work "Vinyl Requiem" (with Lol Sargent): a performance for 180 '50s/'60s record players won Time Out Performance Award for 1993. He created "Vinyl Codas I-IV" for Bavarian Radio, "Coda II" winning a Karl Sczuka prize for Radio Art. In later years, he returned to visual art making installations using from 6 to 80 record players including "Off The Record" for Sonic Boom at The Hayward Gallery, London. Philip Jeck worked with old records and record players salvaged from junk shops and used them for his own purposes, playing them as musical instruments, creating a personal language that evolved with each added part of a record.

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