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Larry Combs Free Music


Larry Combs Free Music

Larry Combs

Effective period / Period of releases: 1970 - 2001

Larry Combs (born 31 December 1939) is an American clarinetist and educator.

Principal clarinet for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra from 1978 to 2008.
Founding member of the Chicago Chamber Musicians.
A prodigy on the instrument, Combs was used by Charleston Symphony as fill-in clarinetist at age 13 and its principal clarinetist by 16. Also former principal clarinetist for New Orleans Philharmonic and Montreal Symphony Orchestra.

Combs also plays jazz with his own Combs-Novak Sextet and headlined the 1999 Chicago Jazz Festival.

Inducted, 2009, to West Virginia Music Hall of Fame.

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