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Pymlico Free Music


Pymlico Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 2016 - 2022

Members: Andreas Sjo Engen, Øyvind Brøter, Arild Brøter, Stephan Hvinden, Axel Toreg Reite, Marie Færevaag, Oda Rydning, Robin Havem Løvøy

Norwegian instrumental progrock / jazz-fusion band from Oslo, Norway, led by composer and drummer Arild Brøter. The band mainly plays what has been described as a mix between progressive rock and fusion. However, their music also offers catchy hooks and singable melodies associated with pop music, alongside grandiose themes more in the vein of movie sound tracks. This combination of genres and a high level of musicianship gives the band it’s distinctive sound.

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