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Cyril Ornadel Free Music


Cyril Ornadel Free Music

Cyril Ornadel

Effective period / Period of releases: 1956 - 1976

British composer, arranger and conductor.

Born: 2 December 1924, London UK
Died: 22 June 2011, Israel

Cyril Ornadel rose to prominence in Britain during the 1950s, largely due to his weekly appearances conducting the orchestra for the popular television series “Sunday Night at the London Palladium”. He was MD for numerous top musicals in London’s West End, and his composing credits include the hit show “Pickwick” and the song Portrait of my Love which gave Matt Monro an international hit. He was heavily involved with World Record Club, lending an initial to its Production company F.C.M. Productions.

His son is Guy Ornadel.

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