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Jane Swärd Free Music


Jane Swärd Free Music

Jane Swärd

Effective period / Period of releases: 1963 - 1965

Swedish singer
✰ 1943 Malmö, Sweden
She took two years of drama lessons and played with the Tip-Top Combo in the GDR
In 1963 won Schlagerfestival der Ostseeländer in Rostock with "Abends kommen die Sterne"
In 1963 teamed up with The Tigers. Toured Yugoslavia with Malmö band The Carolines (as The Swedish Four).
1964 or 1965 married with Miguel Santacruz and become Jane Santacruz
As Jane Santacruz was part of Trio de Santa Cruz with whom she toured the world
At the end of her career, moved back to Sweden

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