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Danmarks Radios Drengekor Free Music


Danmarks Radios Drengekor Free Music

Danmarks Radios Drengekor

Effective period / Period of releases: 1969

Members: Ole Stephensen

Danmarks Radios Drengekor - commonly abbreviated Radioens Drengekor, Radiodrengekoret or simply Drengekoret - was the name from 1959 to 1983 of the boys choir of Danmarks Radio, the Danish national broadcasting corporation.

Principal conductors include Henning Elbirk. The choir was disbanded in 1983 following a re-prioritizing of the public funds.

The name of the orchestra has evolved over time as follows:
- From 1929 to 1959: Statsradiofoniens Drengekor
- From 1959 to 1983: Danmarks Radios Drengekor