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Light Of Day Free Music


Light Of Day Free Music

Light Of Day

Effective period / Period of releases: 2019 - 2020

Members: Rob Dean, Isaac Moraga

Light Of Day are a Costa Rican band featuring ex-Japan and Sinead O'Connor guitarist Rob Dean and Costa Rican singer and instrumentalist Isaac Moraga.

At the time of writing Light Of Day have spent the last two years composing, recording and producing their debut album as well as an e.p. of Spanish language versions of various album tracks.

Their music is eclectic and varies from atmospheric guitar soundscapes that would not sound out of place amongst the work of Robert Fripp to latin-influenced pop to innovative song/track structures that challenge songwriting and musical norms - and more. all with a sense of depth that belies a simple 'rock', 'pop' or 'electronic' categorisation.

Does it sound like the work of Robert and Isaac's previous endeavours? No. Will it appeal to followers of their previous work? Undoubtedly and to others whether their preference is rock, guitar, electronic, vocal, instrumental, noise, ballad or pop as long as they have a belief in good music, done well.

Their performances are sublime and production is crystal clear using the experience learned across several decades within the music business and the self-confidence of knowing when something is 'right': the music bears up to repeated plays and stays in the memory as a result, as all good music, performances and production should.

The artists' work is now complete on their debut recordings and the band are exclusively licensed to [Last Word Music] worldwide.

we hope that we will be able to bring you new music from Light Of Day soon and throughout 2020.