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Ernos Free Music


Ernos Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 1968 - 1998

Members: Marjo-Riitta Kervinen, Mikko Kuoppamäki, Harri Merilahti, Timo Aittokallio, Jorma Vuorinen, Sebastian Nurmi, Leena Nilsson, Erno Lindahl, Randy Korlin, Matti Vattulainen, Ilari Hannula, Jukka Borg, Kati Borg, Jeremy Gould, Martti Koskimo, Timo Penttilä, Timo Koso, Harri Iso-Kokkila, Kari Laakso (2)

A Finnish pop group, founded in October 1965 by Erno Lindahl. Their first album "Rutto ja Romu" was released in 1968. They released three albums, and after the third one in 1973 the band was slowly disbanded.

In 1993 the band was put together for a charity performance. Since then they have been performing in the Back To The Sixties -concerts.

The band had different line-ups during it's existence.

Current line-up:
* Erno Lindahl - vocals, guitar, piano (1965-1973, 1993- )
* Martti Koskimo - vocals, keyboards, trumpet (1965-1966, 2016- )
* Milli Helomaa - vocals (2016- )
* Harri Iso-Kokkila - guitar (2016- )
* Eero Iso-Kokkila - bass (2016- )
* Risto Huostila - drums (2016- )

Former members:
* Matti Vattulainen - guitar (1965-1968)
* Jorma Toivonen - bass (1965-1966)
* Mikko Kuoppamäki - drums (1965-1966)
* Ilari Hannula - vocals (1966-1973, 1993-2017)
* Seppo "Sebastian" Nurmi - bass (1966-1970, 1993-2015)
* Kari "Yogi" Laakso - guitar (1966-2015)
* Timo Penttilä - drums (1966-1971, 1993-2015)
* Jouni Hietaniemi - drums (1968)
* Kalervo Korlin - keyboards (1968)
* Kati Borg - vocals (1968-1971, 1993-2015)
* Marjo-Riitta Kervinen - vocals, keyboards (1968-1970, 1971-1972, 1993-2010)
* Jeremy Gould - bass (1970-1972)
* Timo "Tonttu" Aittokallio - drums (1971-1973)
* Jukka Borg - keyboards (1971-1973)
* Leena Nilsson - vocals (1973)
* Timo Koso - guitar (1973)
* Harri Merilahti - bass (1973)
* Jorma Vuorinen - drums (1973)
* Jukka Nikkilä - drums (1977-1978)

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