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Disappear Fear Free Music


Disappear Fear Free Music

Disappear Fear

Effective period / Period of releases: 1988 - 1996

Members: Cindy Frank, Sonia Rutstein, Laura Cerulli, Angela Edge

disappear fear was formed in 1987 by sisters Sonia Rutstein and Cindy Frank. Guitarist Howard Markman joined a year later. They released five albums. Cindy left the band in the mid-1990s, but still occasionally makes guest appearances, as does her son, Dylan Visvikis. In 2011, Sonia and Cindy together recorded and released their Phil Ochs tribute album, "Get Your Phil." The band now records with changing line-ups, most recently releasing the album "Broken Film" in 2013. disappear fear currently (2019) consists of Sonia Rutstein, Laura Cerulli, Tony Correlli, Howard Markman and Chris Sellman.

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