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Carpoolparty Free Music


Carpoolparty Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 2016 - 2017

A love for pseudo-nostalgic overtones and an artful detachment into a virtual universe unite husband/wife duo Carpoolparty. Mary's heartfelt vocals and sincere love for her art and fans is powered by Danny on keys, sporting a majestic beard and spitting the occasional rap.

Together they assemble a blissfully melodic combination of electronic dance music and pure-pop melodies with internet-inspired visual aesthetics. Retro drum machines, kawaii pop, vaporwave inspired music production, SNES and classic video game sound fonts, glassy 80s and 90s synths, and smooth live vocals make Carpoolparty a sound to be experienced.

With the band's debut album Hot Tapes and their subsequent releases Internauts EP and Paradise Online, the duo continues to focus on themes of love, life, celebration, relationship struggles, overcoming obsession, and finding belonging wherever one is. On the surface their music is fun, catchy and lighthearted electronic pop but underneath their head-nodding beats lie deeper hidden meanings that the duo claims may lead one to find paradise online.

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