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Jackie Brenston Free Music


Jackie Brenston Free Music

Jackie Brenston

Effective period / Period of releases: 1957 - 1982

American R&B singer and saxophonist.
Best known for his 1951 recording of the pioneering song "Rocket 88", often referred to as the 'first' Rock & Roll song.
Recorded in Memphis by Sam Phillips (2) by Ike Turner's band, Brenston sang the lead vocals and was credited with authorship.
Chess Records in Chicago released the song as by Jackie Brenston & His Delta Cats and it was #1 on the U.S. Billboard R&B chart for over a month. He passed away from a fatal heart attack at age 51.

Born: 15 (or) 24 August 1930 in Clarksdale, Mississippi.
Died: 15 November 1979 in Memphis, Tennessee (or) 15 December 1979 in Memphis (DeSoto County), Mississippi.

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