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Colouring Free Music


Colouring Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 2024

Blending club rhythms, pop sheen, and more experimental influences like Radiohead into atmospheric electropop, Colouring emerged from London in the mid-2010s, a rebranding of short-lived indie pop quartet Osca. Led by songwriter/singer/keyboardist and Goldsmith University alumnus Jack Kenworthy, the band was rounded out by guitarist Sean Reilly, bass player Dom Potts, and drummer Alex Johnson. They signed with Interscope Records in 2015, and their first Colouring release, the brooding, house-influenced download-only single "In Motion," premiered on BBC Radio 1 in mid-2016. Their first download-only EP, Symmetry, arrived later in 2016 and was followed by North American tour dates in support of the 1975.

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