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Warm Guns Free Music


Warm Guns Free Music

Warm Guns

Effective period / Period of releases: 1979 - 1983

Members: Frank Lorentzen, Per Møller, Lars Hybel, Jens G. Nielsen, Lars Muhl, Per Frost, Troels Møller, Jacob Perbøll, Kaj Weber

Danish Pop/Rock band 1978-1983, based in Århus, the second largest city in Denmark. Though a quartet, no doubt the central figure of the band was Lars Muhl, the band's prime composer and vocalist and the structure loose as the band members played in other groups as well.
The band had a modest national hit with "The Young Go First" in 1980, but never made it really big to a level matching Muhl's writing skills, that was very much inspired by the likes of Elvis Costello. The band had it's last major performance at the 1983 Roskilde Festival, a concert released as the bands 5th and final album.
In 1985 Lars Muhl released his first solo album. The other members of band went on to play with some of the major danish bands the following years.

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