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Forever Slave Free Music


Forever Slave Free Music

Forever Slave

Effective period / Period of releases: 2005 - 2008

Members: Oswalth, Edward Vert, Sergio Valath, Leal (2), Lady Angellyca, Ignaz, Michael Ross (17)

Spanish gothic metal band from Valencia, founded by guitarist Sergio Valath and vocalist (and gothic model) Lady Angellyca in 2000. They released three demos, "Hate" (2000), "Schwarzer Engel" (2001) and "Resurrection" (2004). In September 2005 they released their first full length album, "Alice's Inferno". Forever Slave has appeared on the bill of various festivals including Wacken Open Air Fest (Germany), Metal Female Voices Fest (Belgium), and The Rock Stars Festival in Madrid.

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