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I, Robot Free Music


I, Robot Free Music

I, Robot

Effective period / Period of releases: 1998 - 2002

Members: Peter Bisso, Eric Talesnick, Tim Haley, Matt Grande, Tom Courley

I, Robot was a five-piece screamo band from New Paltz, New York. They existed from 1997 to 1999, only releasing a demo cassette and a four-song 7" while they were active. A posthumous split 7" with Cable Car Theory was released in 2001, followed by a complete discography in 2002.


Matt Grande - Vocals
Eric Talesnick - Guitar
Pete Bisso - Guitar
Tom "Quad" Carley - Bass
Tim Haley - Drums
Pat Deriso - Drums (live recordings)

Members also played in bands such as Organized Sports, The Exelar, A Black China, and Upstairs Room.